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No download link after purchase

In case you have made the payment on PayPal and not getting download link, kindly send us the invoice number or unique transaction ID of PayPal so that we can cross check it with PayPal and take action accordingly.

Subscription Limit .. What Happen After Subscription Get's Expired ?

- You can download updated version of extension in your subscription period.
- You can't download extension after the expiration of the subscription.
- Extension will keep on working as usual even after the expiration of subscription.

Can I Use It on More than One Site?

You can install extension on more than one sites/domain if you have valid license for each domain.

jSecure Authentication

No download link after purchase

- In case you have made the payment on PayPal and not getting download link, kindly send us the invoice number or unique transaction ID of PayPal so that we can cross check it with PayPal and take action accordingly.

Subscription Limit .. What Happen After Subscription Get's Expired ?

- You can download updated version of extension in your subscription period.
- You can't download extension after the expiration of the subscription.
- Extension will keep on working as usual even after the expiration of subscription.
Can I Use It on More than One Site?

- You can install extension on more than one sites/domain if you have valid license for each domain.	 

Cannot find XML setup file

- You need to extract the downloaded zip file first(jsecure2.1.10.unzipfirst.zip). After extracting a folder with the name 'jSecure2.1.10' will be created. That folder contains zip packages of component for different version of Joomla!. You need to select zip file for installation accordingly.

JInstaller::install: SQL Error. DB function failed with error number 1064

- Unzip the 'jsecureX.X.zip' installation file and changed the following:
In jsecure.xml file, change:
Code: <query table="#__jsecurelog"> CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `#__jsecurelog` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, `date` datetime NOT NULL, `ip` varchar(16) NOT NULL, `userid` int(11) NOT NULL default '0', `code` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `change_variable` text NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) TYPE=MyISAM; </query>
<query table="#__jsecurelog"> CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `#__jsecurelog` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, `date` datetime NOT NULL, `ip` varchar(16) NOT NULL, `userid` int(11) NOT NULL default '0', `code` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `change_variable` text NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM; </query> i.e, make changes for 'TYPE' to 'ENGINE' then re-create jsecureX.X.zip with the revised secure.xml and installed the new installation package in Joomla! it will work. Going Crackers with Password In order to get the access to your admin panel again, you have to follow the below steps: Open the file params.php via FTP & set the parameter as: $publish = 0; in place of $publish = 1; This file is located in /administrator/components/com_jsecure/params.php Doing this will disable Jsecure. Then you can log in to your backend by hitting the normal URL without any secret key. Afterward, you can log in & check the basic configuration, change secret key & enable it again. If you are not able to log in using the above steps then you might need to uninstall jSecure Authentication Extension manually Sometimes when passwords for site are saved on browsers, then on admin login window it shows pre-filled username & password. Now when administrator login here & move to control panel of CMS or jSecure Component Basic Configuration tab, there also in key field password of the 'site' not the secure key comes pre-filled because it is password field & browser fills password of 'site' in key field. When any user changes the configuration & click on save button without clearing or changing value of key field, unknowingly secure key also get sets as same as of password. secretword not accepted / Cant access admistration/ administrator locked out ! / forgot secret key! How to recover it? - To get back backend access into the administrator panel of your site follow the steps given below: 1. Open params.php file. "\administrator\components\com_jsecure\params.php" 2. Go to line number 3 & set $publish='0' at place of '1' 3. Access your administrator panel without entering secret key i.e. normal administrator url /administrator. 4. After getting access to administrator panel you can configure jSecure Authentication extension again to protect the administrator. Do not have any special characters also there should be no space or white spaces present in the secret key. How to reset jSecure Master Password ? - To reset master password of jSecure Authentication follow the steps given below: 1. Open params.php file. "\administrator\components\com_jsecure\params.php" 2. To disable Master Password for the component go to line number 8 & set $enableMasterPassword = '0'; 3. At line number 9 set $master_password = ''; 4. Save and upload the file again, master password get disabled.
Can't save jSecure component settings ! - This type of problem may occur when there is no write permission on params.php file. Make sure that /administrator/components/com_jsecure/params.php file have 777 permission. If file permissions are set to something else, change it to 777. Illegal variable _files or _env or _get or _post or _cookie or _server or _session or globals passed to script. - This problem occurs when only numeric key is used. You might be using numeric key, please use ONLY alphanumeric key to avoid this problem.

JSP Store Locator

No download link after purchase

- In case you have made the payment on PayPal and not getting download link, kindly send us the invoice numner or unique transaction ID of PayPal so that we can cross check it with PayPal and take action accordingly.

Subscription Limit .. What Happen After Subscription Get's Expired ?

- You can download updated version of extension in your subscription period.
- You can't download extension after the expiration of the subscription.
- Extension will keep on working as usual even after the expiration of subscription.
Can I Use It on More than One Site?

- You can install extension on more than one sites/domain if you have valid license for each domain.	 

Map and location list not next to each other

- Normally this kind of problem occurs due to the styling or CSS related things. Styling of the template is needed to be modified to overcome this problem.

No map or locations displayed

- The issue with location and map not displaying in front end, can be due to wrong locations address or due to locations latitude and longitude not calculated problem. For easy calculation of latitude and longitude you can use the map on the back-end to plot the location by using Latitude/Longitude Override option by setting it to yes.

-This can also happen because of Wrong or Expired Google Maps API KEY.

wSecure Authentication

No download link after purchase

- In case you have made the payment on PayPal and not getting download link, kindly send us the invoice number or unique transaction ID of PayPal so that we can cross check it with PayPal and take action accordingly.

Subscription Limit .. What Happen After Subscription Get's Expired ? - You can download updated version of extension in your subscription period. - You can't download extension after the expiration of the subscription. - Extension will keep on working as usual even after the expiration of subscription.

Can I Use It on More than One Site? - You can install extension on more than one sites/domain if you have valid license for each domain.
installed and found my self locked out of site, after activating key
- To gain access to admin panel of your site, login to your site using the url www.yoursite/wp-admin/?secretkey secretkey is the key which you would have setup in the basic configuration. If you have not setup any key, but enable the wSecure plugin, then the URL to access the administrator area is /?wSecure (www.yoursite/wp-admin/?wSecure). Default key is wSecure. Secretkey should contain only alphanumeric characters it should 'not' have any special characters present in it.
If you are not able to access admin login page of your wordpress installation then to get back into the administrator panel of your site follow the steps given below: 1. Open params.php file. "wp-content\plugins\wsecure\params.php" 2. Go to line number 3 & set $publish='0' at place of '1' 3. Access your administrator panel without entering secret key i.e. normal administrator url /wp-admin & after getting access to administrator panel you can again reconfigure & activate wSecure Authentication plugin.
get "Settings is not updated! Check file permission." when add key string in Wordpress installation.

- It is a file permission issue. This type of problem occurs when there is no write permission on params.php file. Make sure that '/wp-content/plugins/wsecure/params.php' file exists have 777 permission. If file permissions are set to something else, change it to 777.


No download link after purchase

- In case you have made the payment on PayPal and not getting the download link, kindly send us the invoice number or unique transaction ID of PayPal so that we can cross check it with PayPal and take action accordingly.

Subscription Limit .. What Happen After Subscription Get's Expired ? - You can download an updated version of extension in your subscription period. - You can't download extension after the expiration of the subscription. - The extension will keep on working as usual even after the expiration of subscription.

Can I Use It on More than One Site? - You can install the extension on more than one sites/domain if you have a valid license for each domain.

JSP Tickets

No download link after purchase

In case you have made the payment on PayPal and not getting download link, kindly send us the invoice number or unique transaction ID of PayPal so that we can cross check it with PayPal and take action accordingly.

Subscription Limit .. What Happen After Subscription Get's Expired ?

- You can download updated version of extension in your subscription period.
- You can't download extension after the expiration of the subscription.
- Extension will keep on working as usual even after the expiration of subscription.

Can I Use It on More than One Site?

You can install extension on more than one sites/domain if you have valid license for each domain.


- Enlist the Administrator Email Ids separated by comma without any white spaces into the field "Administrator Email Id" in Basic Settings in Mail Settings.
- Enlist the filter words separated by comma without any white spaces into the "configuration's" "Facebook Ticket" and "Twitter Ticket".
- Do remember to create Facebook and Twitter application before using the social media features of JSP Tickets extension.
- You have to set "max_execution_time" in "php.ini" file accordingly because while sending mails to many users and retrieve posts from social platforms Facebook and Twitter the execution may get time-out so increasing time limit will help solving this problem (if issue occurs).
- Categorize Joomla! user-groups for each JSP Tickets extension categories according to the moderators required in each category of ticket.


- Do not add unnecessary mail address as Administrator Email Ids in the mail settings, doing so increases the processing time.
- Do not allot unnecessary users to Joomla! user-group for creating moderators in JSP Tickets categories, this will increase number of mail ids in-turn increasing processing time, and will also allow unwanted users to access the client tickets, so create moderators according to the requirement.
- Do not add unnecessary filter words in the Facebook and Twitter Tickets, add proper words which is to be search in the posts separated by comma with no white spaces, this will save execution time and make your ticket portal run faster.
- Also set the "Cronjob Time Interval" accordingly in the JSP Tickets' "Configuration" it will save unnecessary processing on your site. By Default it is set to One Month.

Points to keep in mind

- The Social Media Features execution time is dependent on your server processing speed and also Internet speed been provided.
- You can increase PHP execution time by setting "max_execution_time" in php.ini accordingly.
- Enable the Mailing services, without enabling the mailing services the user will not get their Ticket details.
- You can increase PHP Memory Limit by setting "memory_limit" in php.ini accordingly.

So, whether you’re an individual or a company looking for some website help, you can hire Joomla developer experts from our team at Joomla Service Provider. Go ahead and take advantage of our top-notch and speedy service, and let Joomla Service Provider help you out in every step of the way!

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